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Employee Turned Entrepreneur – Ted Jenkins

Posted Under: Entrepreneurship, Our Heroes

The next addition to the “Our Heroes” series is Ted Jenkin who broke his 17 year corporate jail sentence to fill a gap in the financial services sector, catering to the needs of Gen X and Gen Y business owners and individuals. Ted is now the proud co-CEO of oXYGen Financial which is thriving and he feels that leaving corporate America was the best move he could ever have made. Let’s talk to him and find out more…

DD: Who are you and what kind of corporate job were you at?

TJ: I was in senior management at Ameriprise Financial (formerly American Express Financial Advisors).  I spent 17 years with them as a financial advisor, district manager, vice president, and senior management.

DD: What made you leave the job? When did you realize that you want to be an entrepreneur & why?

TJ: I realized that corporate America is only concerned on how fast the stock price grows, and will do anything to make sure the media thinks favorably of them.   Much of what the public sees is a far cry from what really goes on behind closed doors.   I realized I wanted to be an entrepreneur to create something different in the market place and create a company that truly cared about its clients versus the stock price of the company.

DD: What did you do to break the corporate jail? How did you prepare yourself for the employee to entrepreneur transition?

TJ: This was a natural transition for me because I had 17 years of financial services, leadership, and management experience.  However, running a business is a lot different than corporate management.  I also saved for 5 years to build a war chest of capital resources so I did not have to borrow money to start the business.   The ‘shock factor’ of going from a large income with corporate benefits to no income again the day I opened the door was a little bit scary.  However, I think a lot more about building a legacy and wealth than I do cash flow these days.

DD: What are your top 5 tips for employees who want to be entrepreneurs but are hung up on something?

TJ: 1. No Business Plan Will Be Perfect

2. No Timing Will Ever Be Exactly Right

3. Your Product Will Not Be Perfected Until You Start Selling It

4. Most People In Corporate America Know Nothing About Running A Small business

5. Do It.  Your Company Stock Won’t Secure Your Future.

DD: How are you now? Are you still in same business, and how do you feel?

TJ: My business is thriving in Atlanta, GA.  I now have two radio shows, over 10 employees, and a unique brand name that is all my own.   I feel like it was the best move I could have ever made.   I never get up and worry about anything but the right thing which is how my client’s are doing.   I feel proud every day for what we do in making a difference in people’s lives.

DD:  That’s Ted Jenkin, co-CEO of oXYGen Financial who revealed to us that even with 17 years of financial services, leadership and management experience, there was a ‘shock factor’ in the transition to running his own business.  His advice is that timing and business can never be perfect but his key to success is “thinking a lot more about building a legacy and wealth than cash flow.”

Success to all!!

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