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Employee Turned Entrepreneur – Joshua Lannon

Posted Under: Entrepreneurship, Our Heroes

Today under the “Our Heroes” series we are talking to Joshua Lannon, founder of Journey Healing Centers. After leaving his General Manager job at two nightclubs in Vegas, he embarked on a journey to help those struggling with addictions.  Today, Joshua’s business spans two states and 80 employees, with international growth on the horizon. Here is what Joshua had to say

DD: Who are you and what kind of corporate job were you at?

JL: My name is Joshua Lannon. I was the General Manager of two nightclubs in Las Vegas for 9 years.  The job entailed not only management during open hours but marketing, inventory, and building the “fun” party atmosphere that made one of them the #1 nightclub in Vegas for 8 years in a row.

DD: What made you leave the job? When did you realize that you wanted to be an entrepreneur & why?

JL: One New Years Eve I was standing in the club and realized that I could no longer be part of the problem, getting people drunk.  My spirit could no longer stay in that job; I had to get out.  I did not know how, I just knew that the time was now and to take the leap of faith.

DD: What did you do to break the corporate jail? How did you prepare yourself for the employee to entrepreneur transition?

JL: My wife and I started studying businesses and principals to create the business, learning a lot of context in the RichDad books.  We researched many businesses in our field, what was out there, licensing guidelines/requirements, etc.  I would work my job and during all of my spare time I would work on the business model for my treatment facilities.  Because I was now sober but still worked in a nightclub, the challenge was getting the business going as quickly as possible and transitioning out of that environment.

DD: What are your Top 5 tips for employees who want to be entrepreneurs?

JL: 1) Find you WHY: this is what will get you up in the morning.  When all the critics start coming out (and they will) your “why” will keep you going.  Your “why” must be bigger than the money.

2) Commit:  Make the decision and do not turn back

3) Trust the process: you will make mistakes and this is how you will learn, each time getting smarter.  Mistakes are good.

4) Find a mentor or coach: find someone that you look up to and respect.  A person you can talk to that has “been there”, someone who can tell you honestly and not worry about hurting your feelings.

5) You don’t have to go back to school: entrepreneurship is about leadership.  Study great leaders and learn how to hold the context.  Its not about memorizing answers for a test, it’s about leading a great team and cooperation.  School calls cooperation cheating.  Business calls it team work.

DD: How are you now? Are you still in the same business, and how do you feel?

JL: Yes I am and it is still growing.  We have over 80 staff in 2 states and we are now expanding internationally.  I feel like I am still learning every day….this is what keeps it so exciting.

DD: Wow! Thank you so much Joshua for sharing your intense story with me! I think it is amazing how your previous successful corporate employment lead you to this entrepreneurial success which is the exact opposite of what you had been doing for 9 years! It is so very interesting how one success can lead to another, although the successes come from two very distinct contexts. I wish you the best of luck with Journey Healing Centers and thank you for being an inspiration for so many people, entrepreneurs and addicts alike!

JL: Thank you, Devesh, for listening to my story and for having an interest in my various and differing employment experiences. I was once the manager of a nightclub in Vegas and I am now the founder of a recovery center for alcohol and drug abusers. It is funny how things change, and I am grateful for people like you who understand that those changes need to be made and that maybe entrepreneurship is another stop on the road to making those life changes that some of us oh-so-desperately need.

DD: Joshua Lannon everyone, successful nightclub manager turned entrepreneur and recovery center founder. I was very impressed with his story but also with one of the things he said: “Entrepreneurship is about leadership …School calls cooperation cheating.  Business calls it team work.” Very well said. Thanks again for making a difference in so many peoples lives.

Success to all!!

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