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  • Archive for the “Tips & Tricks!” Category

  • Grow Your Side Hustle, Escape the 9 to 5!

    Posted Under: Tips & Tricks! on 27 Aug, 2011

    Back in May this year, I had the opportunity to chat with the Genjuice community. We had a live Facebook Q&A where many aspiring entrepreneurs asked me questions about growing their side project to escape the rat race. Below is the summary that they published later and I’m re-publishing & sharing it with you to help those of you who may have similar curiosities. So, here’s the Q&A chat to help you grow your side hustle and escape the 9 to 5: Last week GenJuicers rocked Facebook with questions for entrepreneur Devesh Dwivedi, an expert on breaking free from 9 to 5 daily grind. Devesh started his first business, a comic books rental company, when he was only 14, and since then he has founded and co-founded several businesses. He has an MBA and worked for multiple...

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  • Does Your Idea Deserve a Business Plan?

    Posted Under: Tips & Tricks! on 21 Aug, 2011

    One question that many aspiring entrepreneurs ask me is how to identify if “it” is the idea that deserves further investment to execute or formally writing a business plan. As an entrepreneur myself and advisor/investor for many entrepreneurs and small businesses, I get to see both sides of the need of business plan. An entrepreneur typically falls for ‘I know what I’m doing’ yet fails to communicate it right, to others involved (Banks, partners, vendors, investors) and expects people to have the same understanding and excitement about the idea  as he or she does. Quite frankly, it’s like asking someone to read your mind and continue doing so… Creepy, of course! Point is, a business plan is nothing but communication in writing, where you tell the...

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  • Business Plan – The good, the bad, & the ugly!

    Posted Under: Tips & Tricks! on 9 Apr, 2011

    One of the biggest challenges for every entrepreneur is the daunting task of writing a Business Plan! Now, let me start with telling you that a business plan is a very personal (to the business) and unique document… So, the last thing you want to do is to copy a plan off of the internet or buy a software for business planning purposes unless you need this business plan simply for the sake of having a business plan on your office shelf . Last week while helping one of my clients put together a business plan, our discussion of course turned to what makes a good business plan, what makes it bad and what ugly mistakes do the entrepreneurs commonly make. Here’s what I came up with: What makes a good business plan… A good business plan is a revolving document, a guide, an...

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  • Don’t Be An Elephant!

    Posted Under: Tips & Tricks! on 27 Mar, 2011

    Recently I got tagged in a picture on Facebook, and to my surprise I wasn’t even in the picture. What was there in that picture was an image of an elephant and a short story… While I usually just untag myself from such unsolicited communication and move on with what I was doing, this short story caught my eye. Not only I enjoyed reading it but I could relate with it for myself in the past and for many of my clients that I work with everyday. Here’s how the story goes… As my friend was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from the ropes they were tied to but for some reason, they did...

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  • Go Full-time OR Hire One!

    Posted Under: Tips & Tricks! on 18 Mar, 2011

    One of the biggest challenges in escaping from a 9-5 jail is the time requirement to start a new business and make it profitable enough to pay the bills. The side hustle is the usual answer but many of these side hustles never make it to be a ‘business’. Most of these hard working side hustlers, trying to make both a job and a business work side by side, work countless hours, lose sleep, and end up running the business down. They wish they had more hours in the day or if they could simply clone themselves. We all know the first one is not very easy and not to say that the later one is doable or easier, but that’s what we’ll discuss in this post....

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    • If you're even thinking about starting a small business, read this book first.

      -Kameaka M. Graves, CEO, Graves Consulting LLC.
    • A practical, step-by-step guide to take you from your “entrepreneurial seizure” (as we call it at E-Myth Worldwide) to a solid start-up business.  This book leads you to the strategic questions – and answers – that every aspiring entrepreneur must ask themselves before going into business.

      -Wendy Vinson, President, E-Myth Worldwide
    • It's a must read for every want-to-be entrepreneur. This book will not just give you the theory, this book will show you the way for every step of the journey.

      -Olive Stewart, CEO, Bushelle Seasonings
    • Devesh is a brilliant new voice, every want-to-be entrepreneur should listen to.

      -Ruth E Hedges, CEO,
    • So, you want to be an entrepreneur, huh? If you do, you HAVE TO read this book. The information in this book will save you a lot of time, energy, money, and headaches.

      -Tyrone Turner, Founder, Grassroots Business Network LLC.
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