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  • Archive for the “Startup” Category

  • Employee Turned Entrepreneur – Diane Pinder

    Posted Under: Entrepreneur, Our Heroes, Startup on 12 Jul, 2012

    Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, today we are celebrating the success of the chocolate world with the heart and soul of Donna & Company, the Chocolatier and founder – Diane Pinder. A former critical care nurse, Diane broke out of the corporate pharmaceutical world and created her own world filled with chocolate. Let’s see how she did it… DD: Who are you and what kind of corporate job were you at? DP: I am Diane Pinder, master chocolatier since 2005, wife, mother and originally a critical care nurse as well as former account executive for pharmaceutical advertising and medical education. DD: What made you leave the job? When did you realize that you wanted to be an entrepreneur & why? DP: The advertising business was very unstable.  Projects would disappear in a...

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  • Employee Turned Entrepreneur – Michael Anderson

    Posted Under: Entrepreneur, Our Heroes, Startup on 20 Aug, 2011

    Greetings all! It’s been a while since I posted a new story in ‘Our Heroes‘ series so here’s our spicy come back… Today I’ve Michael Anderson, Chief Spice Creative & Founder  of SpiceCrafters who broke out of his 9to5 jail where he was a Quality Assurance Engineer. Not happy with what he was doing, Michael tried his luck with multiple ideas before finally launching SpiceCrafters. Let’s find out rest of the spicy details: DD: Who are you and what kind of corporate job were you at? MA: My name is Michael Anderson. I went to college like any other person looking for what my future held and had no idea. Not being one for prolonged college I asked myself what the most money I could make with the least amount of college. In 1998 the bull’s eye landed on Computer...

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  • Chat With Michelle Goodman!

    Posted Under: Entrepreneurship, Interview, Startup on 24 Feb, 2011

    Michelle Goodman fled the cube in 1992 to become a freelance writer and never to look back. She is the author of The Anti 9-to-5 Guide: Practical Career Advice for Women Who Think Outside the Cube, and the “sequel,” My So-Called Freelance Life: How to Survive and Thrive as a Creative Professional for Hire. She writes a weekly career column for and a blog called Nine to Thrive for Her reported pieces about alternative careers, human mating rituals, and other pop culture phenom have graced such media outlets as, Salon, BUST, Bitch, The Bark, Seattle Times, Yahoo! HotJobs,, and many more....

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  • SucceSS Has 3S!

    Posted Under: Entrepreneur, Pre-Startup, Startup on 30 Sep, 2010

    Some of you may know that GenJuice, the online and offline destination for GenY entrepreneurs, was very kind to give me the opportunity to be one of the first 50 contributors at their big launch on 10/10/10…  In my contributions, in addition to sharing my thoughts and information, I’ll be bringing them some very exciting interviews with successful GenY entrepreneurs and some pretty cool resources as well… The 3S of SucceSS is just a quick preview of my 1st contribution to GenJuice, if you want full access to this success equation and more, stay tuned for their 10/10/10 launch and keep an eye on my posts there…...

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  • The BroCode To Profitable Business Ideas!

    Posted Under: Entrepreneur, Pre-Startup, Startup on 24 Sep, 2010

    So, I came across and was flipping through this book title “The Bro Code“, a New York Times Bestseller by Barney Stinson & Matt Kuhn… The book is the code of conduct, the holy grail, the bible for the Bros world over… What caught my eye was Article75 listed on page 98 & 99 of this super humorous book full of wit and wisdom! The article 75 says a real Bro always fancies up the job description of another Bro, when introducing him to a girl and that can include inventing  job titles and descriptions based on what women find attractive and interesting. Here’s a quick snippet from the book:...

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    • If you truly want to flee the 9 to 5 jail this book is the ideal escape map and Devesh would be your perfect accomplice.

      -Mike Michalowicz, Author of The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur
    • I wish I had this book when I was starting up!

      -Arppit Maheshwari, CEO, I-Wanna-Party!
    • It's a must read for every want-to-be entrepreneur. This book will not just give you the theory, this book will show you the way for every step of the journey.

      -Olive Stewart, CEO, Bushelle Seasonings
    • A practical, step-by-step guide to take you from your “entrepreneurial seizure” (as we call it at E-Myth Worldwide) to a solid start-up business.  This book leads you to the strategic questions – and answers – that every aspiring entrepreneur must ask themselves before going into business.

      -Wendy Vinson, President, E-Myth Worldwide
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