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  • Archive for the “Pre-Startup” Category

  • Employee Turned Entrepreneur – Jasmin French

    Posted Under: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Our Heroes, Pre-Startup on 15 Oct, 2012

    With us today is entrepreneur Jasmin French. Though she is no longer working for a big-name law firm, she still uses her law skills while also enjoying life as a self-employed entrepreneur. After being dropped from the corporate world, she fell into a business she loves. DD: Who are you and what kind of corporate job were you at? JF: My name is Jasmin French, and I am the quintessential “connector.” I connect people with ideas, one another, and most importantly, with their personal “story.” I am a Duke University and Vanderbilt University Law School graduate.  Prior to entering law school, I was a logistics/supply chain analyst for one of the world’s largest consumer packaged goods companies (home to some of the most recognized household products).  I left to pursue a law...

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  • How to find & focus on a single idea?

    Posted Under: Entrepreneurship, Interview, Pre-Startup, Startup on 21 Sep, 2012

    Out of the several questions I get every week from my readers, clients, and other folks who reach out to “pick my brain” the most common one looks something like this – “Devesh, I have so many wonderful ideas, I can be programmer, I’m very good at golf, and I can possibly be a chef because my girlfreind likes it when I cook, my cousin is making a lot of money on affiliate marketing and said he can teach me how to, I can start another groupon with those $200 clone sites. Oh my god! So many ideas, so little time and I just don’t know which will be most successful or make me the most money. What should I do? How do I find and focus on that one winning idea?”...

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  • Chit Chat With Entrepreneur’s Biggest Fan – Joe Abraham!

    Posted Under: Entrepreneurship, Interview, Pre-Startup, Slide Show on 1 Nov, 2010

    Happy Funday Everyone!! Today’s guest is Joe Abraham, The Entrepreneur’s Biggest Fan and Author of Entrepreneurial DNA: Tap Into Your Unique Strengths to Build a Successful Business In this video, watch Joe & I chatting about startups, entrepreneurship, ideas, how to break out of the 9to5 jail, and most importantly Joe’s unique approach of identifying the entrepreneurial DNA of individual entrepreneurs and leveraging that to build successful businesses. Joe has worked with and observed several entrepreneurs and startups over his career and documented his observations, that gave birth to to his book and BOSI Test...

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  • I Hate Mondays! NOT.

    Posted Under: Entrepreneurship, Pre-Startup on 11 Oct, 2010

    Goooooooood Morning everyone… well it’s a bright Monday morning and I’m loving it… yes, I’m loving the MONDAY morning… and this has been the case since last couple of years… Yes, you read it right, I have not had a single case of Mondays or case of any day for that matter, in that long time… So why this video and what am I here for – I noticed #IhateMondays being one of the trending topics in Twitter a few weeks ago and that’s what triggered this idea that if there are so many people publicly hating poor Mondays, somebody’s gotta say something… since I love my Mondays, I stepped up. NO am not here to sell you an ebook or get rich overnight program DVD or seminar or software or any other BS… ...

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  • SucceSS Has 3S!

    Posted Under: Entrepreneur, Pre-Startup, Startup on 30 Sep, 2010

    Some of you may know that GenJuice, the online and offline destination for GenY entrepreneurs, was very kind to give me the opportunity to be one of the first 50 contributors at their big launch on 10/10/10…  In my contributions, in addition to sharing my thoughts and information, I’ll be bringing them some very exciting interviews with successful GenY entrepreneurs and some pretty cool resources as well… The 3S of SucceSS is just a quick preview of my 1st contribution to GenJuice, if you want full access to this success equation and more, stay tuned for their 10/10/10 launch and keep an eye on my posts there…...

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    • It's a must read for every want-to-be entrepreneur. This book will not just give you the theory, this book will show you the way for every step of the journey.

      -Olive Stewart, CEO, Bushelle Seasonings
    • If you're even thinking about starting a small business, read this book first.

      -Kameaka M. Graves, CEO, Graves Consulting LLC.
    • I wish I had this book when I was starting up!

      -Arppit Maheshwari, CEO, I-Wanna-Party!
    • If you truly want to flee the 9 to 5 jail this book is the ideal escape map and Devesh would be your perfect accomplice.

      -Mike Michalowicz, Author of The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur
    • So, you want to be an entrepreneur, huh? If you do, you HAVE TO read this book. The information in this book will save you a lot of time, energy, money, and headaches.

      -Tyrone Turner, Founder, Grassroots Business Network LLC.
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