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  • Archive for the “Entrepreneur” Category

  • Employee Turned Entrepreneur – David Fraiberg

    Posted Under: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Our Heroes on 23 Feb, 2011

    Today we are talking to David Fraiberg, our next guest under the “Our Heroes” series. David originally started his career as a management consultant and had also started two successful companies, Parkway 360 and Guanxi & Co. David took a bold leap in entrepreneurship when his father was diagnosed with cancer. With nobody by his dad’s side, David became his father’s voice. Shortly after, family and friends were asking for help too, and Concerto HealthPartners was born. Let us hear what David has to say…...

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  • Lawyer Turned Entrepreneur – Jordan Harbinger

    Posted Under: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Our Heroes on 19 Feb, 2011

    Today we are talking to Jordan Harbinger our next guest under the “Our Heroes” series. Jordan, a former corporate finance attorney, now the co-founder of The Art of Charm, a company that teaches men advanced social skills along with the psychological and scientific factors of dating. Harbinger’s idea originally gained popularity as a podcast talk show, the rest is history. Let’s sit down with Jordan and talk about his success story…...

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  • Employee Turned Entrepreneur – Linda Pelekoudas

    Posted Under: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Our Heroes on 19 Dec, 2010

    Today we are talking to Linda Pelekoudas, next guest under the “Our Heroes” series. Linda started her career as an organic chemist, far from the world of business and entrepreneurship.  She decided to break the 9 to 5 jail while working at IBM, where, in 2009, her job along with 4999 others was outsourced to a developing country. Linda’s company, Strategy and Design Solutions, helps other companies by finding un-tapped ways to grow.  Linda’s goal is to help create jobs for the economy, let’s dig deeper into her success story…...

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  • Employee Turned Entrepreneur – LeeAnn Piazzola

    Posted Under: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Our Heroes on 6 Dec, 2010

    Today we are talking to LeeAnn Piazzola the next guest under the “Our Heroes” series. LeeAnn, a mother of five, worked as an Account Manager for NBC Universal for the last 8 ½ years maintaining a client list worth nearly $10 million. After loosing her best friend, father in law, and ex-husband LeAnn found it difficult to focus on her career as well as spend time with her kids while working 14 hours a day. She and her sister started DiaperBuds, when a patent to their invention was granted. Today, her company is growing along with her joy of following her dream.  Let’s dig deeper into her success story…...

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  • Employee Turned Comedian – Dan Nainan

    Posted Under: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Our Heroes on 1 Dec, 2010

    Get ready to laugh and learn with our today’s guest, because today we’ve an employee turned entrepreneur, no scratch that, we’ve a geek turned professional comedian with us. Ladies & gentlemen, I’m chatting with Dan Nainan, the former Intel geek who took comedy classes to improve his public speaking and fight the stage fright and never looked back to geekry (if that’s a word) and is making his mark in the comedy world. Today, in addition to hundreds of comedy shows around the world, Dan has been in TV commercials and we will soon see him in two major motion pictures… Here’s our chat where he candidly talks about his journey from a geek to comedian… ...

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    • It's a must read for every want-to-be entrepreneur. This book will not just give you the theory, this book will show you the way for every step of the journey.

      -Olive Stewart, CEO, Bushelle Seasonings
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      -Wendy Vinson, President, E-Myth Worldwide
    • So, you want to be an entrepreneur, huh? If you do, you HAVE TO read this book. The information in this book will save you a lot of time, energy, money, and headaches.

      -Tyrone Turner, Founder, Grassroots Business Network LLC.
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