Devesh & his business advice has been featured in

Life's Too Short to be Wasted in a Cubicle!

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  • Expert Interview – Business Coach Jane Schnurr

    Posted Under: Interview, Slide Show, Startup on 8 May, 2010

    A few weeks ago I connected with Jane Schnurr, who is a life and business coach in Collingwood (Canada). She is passionate about coaching entrepreneurs to push past self imposed boundaries!  Coach Jane is a powerful and dynamic coach. She brings a unique blend of creativity, entrepreneurial spirit and sense of fun to all that she does. After exchanging a few emails and chatting over phone, I requested her for an interview to share some tips and tricks with my readers and of course she agreed to help us out… Here’s our chat:...

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  • Employee Turned Entrepreneur – Bonnie Buol Ruszczyk

    Posted Under: Entrepreneurship, Our Heroes on 6 May, 2010

    Now before I introduce today’s guest, let me tell you that I come across aspiring entrepreneurs on a daily basis and I spend hours and hours on consulting, mentoring, and assisting these would-be entrepreneurs both on and offline. Some of the very common excuses, for not having started yet, that I come across are: fear of failure and the necessity of a steady paycheck and health insurance. Bonnie Buol Ruszczyk, our guest under the “Our Heroes” series is a true hero and my hat goes off to her. Despite all the fears, despite the fact she was uninsurable, and despite the excruciation of losing two newborn sons in less than a week,  this is the woman who not just pulled her personal life together but fulfilled her long due dream of having her own business. Today, she runs...

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  • Employee Turned Entrepreneur – Ryan Howard, CEO Practice Fusion

    Posted Under: Entrepreneurship, Our Heroes on 4 May, 2010

    Today under the “Our Heroes” series, I’m with Ryan Howard, an innovator who recognized the potential to combine his technological background with his healthcare knowledge and started up Practice Fusion, a free web-based system for utilization in the medical field. As any conscientious entrepreneur would, Ryan relentlessly found a remedy for the increasing need for doctors to go digital. Here’s how it all happened…...

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  • Employee Turned Entrepreneur – Oana Hogrefe

    Posted Under: Entrepreneurship, Our Heroes on 2 May, 2010

    Today, in the “Our Heroes” series, I’d like to introduce you to the wonderfully talented Oana Hogrefe. Oana escaped her job in the software industry when she was laid off from her corporate position in 2009 and entered into a blissful life of professional photography, which she had previously pursued on a part-time basis. Oana felt ready to take charge of where her energy was directed and has a genuine love for capturing life’s precious moments through photography. Let’s hear her story…...

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  • Employee Took The ‘RedEye’ To Entrepreneurial Success!

    Posted Under: Entrepreneurship, Our Heroes on 30 Apr, 2010

    Ed Wenzel, is our next guest under the “Our Heroes” series. Ed an IT professional who now runs his own company – RedEye, realized he was not a cut out for “employee” after jumping several corporate ships and working for in-laws… With what he gleaned from every bit of his experience, dealing with fears, late “red-eye” nights, and everything else, makes up his life story, a truly inspirational one. Let’s talk to him and find out more…...

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    • A practical, step-by-step guide to take you from your “entrepreneurial seizure” (as we call it at E-Myth Worldwide) to a solid start-up business.  This book leads you to the strategic questions – and answers – that every aspiring entrepreneur must ask themselves before going into business.

      -Wendy Vinson, President, E-Myth Worldwide
    • If you're even thinking about starting a small business, read this book first.

      -Kameaka M. Graves, CEO, Graves Consulting LLC.
    • If you truly want to flee the 9 to 5 jail this book is the ideal escape map and Devesh would be your perfect accomplice.

      -Mike Michalowicz, Author of The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur
    • So, you want to be an entrepreneur, huh? If you do, you HAVE TO read this book. The information in this book will save you a lot of time, energy, money, and headaches.

      -Tyrone Turner, Founder, Grassroots Business Network LLC.
    • Devesh is a brilliant new voice, every want-to-be entrepreneur should listen to.

      -Ruth E Hedges, CEO,
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