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  • Employee Turned Entrepreneur – Tony DuPont

    Posted Under: Entrepreneurship, Our Heroes on 27 May, 2010

    Today under the “Our Heroes” we are talking to Tony DuPont, a manufacturing engineer turned highly-successful entrepreneur and founder of Power Cordz. After getting laid off and realizing he was out of work and out of cash, Tony began to spend more of his time designing synthetic control cables and finding his inner-entrepreneur.  Today, when he reflects on his business, he feels alive and well and that 2010 will be a pinnacle year for Power Cordz! Let’s hear more about what Tony has to say…...

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  • Employee Turned Entrepreneur – Peter Hail

    Posted Under: Entrepreneurship, Our Heroes on 25 May, 2010

    Today under the “Our Heroes” series we are talking with Peter Hail who adds to our repertoire of entrepreneurs who have broken free of Corporate America. For 25 years Peter worked in industrial technical sales but he grew tired of struggling against perplexing management decisions and decided to veer onto his own path where he could reap the benefits of his efforts. Peter launched Warehouse Cables and once he began to generate online sales his business took off with a bang… Let’s talk to Peter and find out more…...

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  • Employee Turned Entrepreneur – Mary Gutowski

    Posted Under: Entrepreneurship, Our Heroes on 23 May, 2010

    Today under the “Our Heroes” series, we are interviewing with Mary Gutowski-Hazzard, long-time sales representative turned entrepreneur behind Memories Wow! Mary made the change when she realized that corporate America had become too Big Brother-like for her and she took the opportunity to listen to her instincts and give her inner-entrepreneur a shot at success. Let’s hear how Mary broke free of the corporate mold…...

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  • Employee Turned Entrepreneur – Shane Fischer

    Posted Under: Entrepreneurship, Our Heroes on 20 May, 2010

    Our guest today under the “Our Heroes” series is Shane Fischer, attorney at law. Shane worked as an associate lawyer until the Corporate Jail kicked him out—in other words, he was laid off twice in six months…Shane felt that job hunting was demoralizing and time consuming and he would be better off opening his own firm. He had some trouble learning the every-day aspects of running a business but once the clients came rolling in everything fell into place. Let’s talk to Shane and find out more…...

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  • Five Reasons To Have A ‘National Entrepreneurs’ Day’

    Posted Under: Announcement, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship on 20 May, 2010

    This blog post is so much more than a post, it’s a petition. I completely support this petition for National Entrepreneurs’ Day and ever since I came across it, the question “why we should or should not have an Entrepreneur’s Day” has been on my mind. In this post, I’m trying to put my thoughts together and of course, spread the word to get as much support as I can. So, take a few minutes to read through, I appreciate your time and support. In US (and the rest of the world), there are so many Federal and State holidays commemorating distinct cultural and political events. We have holidays for teachers, mothers, fathers, grandparents, martyrs, workers… so, my question is: why don’t we have a national day for entrepreneurs? A national day...

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      -Arppit Maheshwari, CEO, I-Wanna-Party!
    • If you truly want to flee the 9 to 5 jail this book is the ideal escape map and Devesh would be your perfect accomplice.

      -Mike Michalowicz, Author of The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur
    • It's a must read for every want-to-be entrepreneur. This book will not just give you the theory, this book will show you the way for every step of the journey.

      -Olive Stewart, CEO, Bushelle Seasonings
    • So, you want to be an entrepreneur, huh? If you do, you HAVE TO read this book. The information in this book will save you a lot of time, energy, money, and headaches.

      -Tyrone Turner, Founder, Grassroots Business Network LLC.
    • If you're even thinking about starting a small business, read this book first.

      -Kameaka M. Graves, CEO, Graves Consulting LLC.
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